Quality centers around providing goods and services that meet or exceed customer expectations. From a Government perspective, that means meeting or exceeding the expectations of voters.
Voters' expectations and the "Voice of the Voter" are unifying themes that tie together all eight of my good government principles.

Although I have shared some positive information in my last two newsletters, there is broad agreement that, from the voters' perspective, our Federal Government is not meeting our expectations.

I continue to highlight the work of Voice of the People. Voice of the People is "working to re-anchor our democracy in its founding principles by giving ‘We the People’ a greater and more effective voice in government". Voice of the People Action is asking all congressional candidates, including current Members of the U.S. House and Senate, to take their "Listen to the People pledge".
I was very pleased that at this month's Leadership meeting for the American Society for Quality's (ASQ) Government Division, we discussed voice of the customer and how it is integral to the work we're doing.
Much of the work I'm personally involved with for ASQ Government Division's Center for Electoral Quality and Integrity revolves around voting processes that meet voter expectations and improving voter confidence in the overall electoral process. I have recently agreed to be the chairperson for this very important work. I will share additional details next month.
One of the challenges in listening to the voters is that we don't even talk to or listen to each other. Earlier this month, I attended a very informative and impactful workshop hosted by Braver Angels on having meaningful and constructive conversations with people that don't share your political ideology. Their "LAPP" methodology provides guidance on effective listening, acknowledging the other's perspective, pivoting from listening to a two-way dialog, and effective ways to share your perspective.
Here is a summary of this month's social media posts:
Have a great month.